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Version: 9.0.0


This configuration property allows you to filter the part of your code that will be executed. This filtering can be done at several levels.


featuresstring[]You can filter the feature(s) you want to be executed by specifying the feature(s) name.
featuresTagsstring[]You can filter the feature(s) you want to be executed by specifying the feature(s) tag name that you have specified inside your feature file.
scenariosstring[]You can filter the scenario(s) you want to be executed by specifying the scenarios(s) name.
scenariostagsstring[]You can filter the scenario(s) you want to be executed by specifying the scenario(s) tag name that you have specified inside your feature file.
stepsstring[]You can filter the step(s) you want to be executed by specifying the scenarios(s) name.
stepsTagsstring[]You can filter the step(s) you want to be executed by specifying the scenario(s) tag name that you have specified inside your feature file.
globstring[]You can filter the feature(s) files or group of feature file you want to be executed by specifying the feature(s)name.
import { Configuration,FeatureRunInfo,ScenarioRunInfo,StepRunInfo } from "test-maker";

const config:Configuration= {



feature?: FeatureRunInfo | undefined;

scenario?: ScenarioRunInfo | undefined;

step?: StepRunInfo | undefined;






Inside configuration file

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