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Version: 9.0.0

How it works

Under the hood Test Maker utilizes lots of technologies and tools ranging from compilers, optimizers to test runner.

Test Maker fuses all of these technologies under a very simple and concise API.

When we say Test Maker is future-proof, we mean that it was developed with the philosophy that no matter how the technology behind it or new tools change, the API and workflow should not. In simple words, the developer does not need to care about what happens behind the curtain, they would keep writing test with the same structure and code.

Enhanced with BDD, Human-Friendly API, and Adapters

Moreover, Test Maker embraces Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) principles, providing a high-level, human-friendly API. BDD now is used widely and in many variants, it enhances agile methods and makes working in rapid small ieterations possible by building shared understanding of the problem to be solved. By adopting the Cucumber language, Test Maker makes testinh any system's behaviour automatically possible, all this with producing the proper documentation and reporting in a single shot.

Test scenarios are expressed in natural language, fostering collaboration between development and business stakeholders.

Given The user is logged in
When they create a new case
Then Collect Information Screen should be visible
And the user should be able to provide the Personal Information
Then the user should see all the data in a readonly format

In the background, adapters seamlessly translate these human-readable scenarios, written in gherkin language, into executable actions, ensuring compatibility with diverse application architectures.

When it comes to test execution, Test Maker can be configured to run over any ci/cd platform and integrate easily with it. Additionally, Test Maker excels in parallelism, allowing for efficient test execution by running tests concurrently.

In this example, a classic Test Maker integration cycle:
