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Version: 9.0.0


Test Maker tests are categorized by feature. One test is conventionally associated to one feature hence the denomination Test Maker feature file.

Test Maker convention is that a feature file name should finish by "-spec.ts". This means that any feature file should resemble this : myTest-spec.ts. This is why we can interchangeably mention Test Maker feature file and Test Maker spec file.

Test Maker convention defines a test repository by default which means that for a feature file should be located in this repository to be executed. By default, the relative path of this repository is "./src/specs".

Basic Template

import { Feature, Selector, Controller } from 'test-maker';

.Scenario(`Scenario 1`)
.Given(`Step 1`, async (I: Controller, runInfo) => {

.When(`Step 2`, async (I: Controller) => {

.Then(`Step 3`, async (I: Controller) => {


If no specific feature file name or repository is specified, the default Test Maker convention will be used which means that any feature file not following this convention will not be taken into account in any test execution.


Different features of same test execution can't have the same name.