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Version: 8.0.2

Text Input

It is possible to find a text input element by following attributes:

textInputdataTestIdstringSearches for a text input by value of a Pega data-test-id attribute, same as textInputByDataTestId
textInputByDataTestIddataTestIdstringSearches for a text input by value of a Pega data-test-id attribute, same as textInput
textInputByIdidstringSearches for a text input by value of an id attribute
textInputByCsscssstringSearches for a text input by a custom scc selector
textInputByXPathxpathstringSearches for a text input by a custom xpath selector
textInputByattributeNamestringSearches for a text input by an attribute name and value

In addition to that, each text input function provides an optional parameter container (to filter elements by sections, if required).

Any of these input controls accept string or number type of value.

Main action functions

setvaluestring / numberSets the value. Accepts string or number, it is also possible to select the element by index (in options parameter)
options? { index?: number, timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
pastevaluestring / numberHas the same functionality as set() but allows pasting text quickly. Attention! In many cases Pega applications "doesn't see" this pasted value, so if the further action is required, it is better to use set() or to add pressTab() step after paste() one
options? { index?: number, timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }


shouldBeVisibleoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element exists and is visible
shouldExistoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element exists
shouldNotBeVisibleoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element exists but is not visible
shouldNotExistoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element does not exist
shouldHaveTextvaluestringChecks if the element's inner text contains a given string
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
shouldNotHaveTextvaluestringChecks if the element's inner text does not contain a given string
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
shouldHaveExactTextvaluestringChecks if the element's inner text is equal to a given string
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
shouldNotHaveExactTextvaluestringChecks if the element's inner text is not equal to a given string
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
shouldHaveValuevaluestringChecks if the element's value contains a given string
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
shouldNotHaveValuevaluestringChecks if the element's value does not contain a given string
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
shouldBeEnabledoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element doesn't have a disabled attribute
shouldBeDisabledoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element has a disabled attribute
shouldBeRequiredoptions?{ timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the field is mandatory
shouldNotBeRequiredoptions?{ timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the field is not mandatory
shouldHaveValidationTypevalidationTypestringChecks if the element's validation type is equal to a given one
options?{ timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
shouldNotHaveValidationTypevalidationTypestringChecks if the element's validation type is not equal to a given one
options?{ timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }

Wait for functions

Simple wait for visibility functions

waitUntilVisibilityoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Waits for the element to be visible
waitUntilInvisibilityoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Waits for the element to be invisible
waitUntilElementExistsoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Waits for the element to exist
waitUntilElementNotExistoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Waits for the element not to exist

Complex wait for visibility functions

Allow filtering of available elements by index, text, attribute:

waitUntilVisibilityByTexttextstringFilters collection of elements by text and waits for the element to be visible
options?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
waitUntilVisibilityByAttributeattributeNamestringFilters collection of elements by attribute and waits for the element to be visible
options?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
waitUntilVisibilityByIndexindexnumberFilters collection of elements by index and waits for the element to be visible
options?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
waitUntilInvisibilityByIndexindexnumberFilters collection of elements by index and waits for the element not to be visible
options?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }

Wait for a collection size functions

waitUntilCollectionOfElementsSizeIsGreaterOrEqualexpectedSizenumberWaits until collection of elements have specific size (or there are more)
options?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }
waitUntilCollectionOfElementsSizeIsLessThanexpectedSizenumberWaits until collection of elements have fewer elements than specified
options?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }

Actionability check

ActionabilityCheckTypes == attached | stable | visible | enabled | editable

waitForSelectActionabilityCheckcheck types[]Waits for the element to pass all the selected actionability check types
isFilterByVisibilityboolean (true by default)


await pega.textInput('firstName').waitForSelectActionabilityCheck(['attached', 'visible', 'stable']);

Other helpers

focusoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Focuses the element. A focused element is ready to be activated with a keyboard or any keyboard-emulating technology
hoveroptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Hovers over the element. A hovered element is ready to be activated with a mouse or any mouse-emulating technology
pressTabSimulates "press Tab key" action
clickoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Clicks in the field

IsVisible and IsExists functions

isVisibleoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Returns true if the element exists and is visible
isExistsoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Returns true if the element exists

GetValue and GetText functions

getValueReturns element's value as a string
getTextReturns element's inner text as a string