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Version: 8.0.2


With Radiobutton control, you can refer to a single radiobutton or radiobutton group.

Possible options to select a radiobutton or radiobutton group:

radioButtondataTestIdstringSearches for a radiobutton by value of a Pega data-test-id attribute, same as radioButtonByDataTestId or radioButtonGroupByDataTestId
radioButtonByDataTestIddataTestIdstringSearches for a radiobutton by value of a Pega data-test-id attribute, same as radioButton or radioButtonGroupByDataTestId
radioButtonGroupByDataTestIddataTestIdstringSearches for a radiobutton group by value of a Pega data-test-id attribute, same as radioButton or radioButtonByDataTestId
radioButtonByPartialIdidstringSearches for a radiobutton by partial value* of an id attribute (same as radioButtonGroupByPartialId)
radioButtonGroupByPartialIdidstringSearches for a radiobutton group by partial value* of an id attribute (same as radioButtonByPartialId)
radioButtonByAriaLabelareaLabelstringSearches for a radiobutton by value of an aria-label attribute**
radioButtonGroupByAriaLabelareaLabelstringSearches for a radiobutton group by value of an aria-label attribute**

*Partial id and **Aria-Label

Using checkbox methods, we are interacting with one specific element, while radiobutton always involves GROUP og elements. That's why the value is a mandatory parameter for each radiobutton method. Radiobuttons can be found in DOM by aria-label attribute, data-test-id or by partial id (the structure of the radiobuttons ids in Pega is always the same: a common part of the id + the value., e.g. in the example below it`s 'eccdbbaeMale' and 'eccdbbaeFemale'. We need a COMMON part of the id - 'eccdbbae'). Aria-label allows to find a radiobutton group easily and usually is equal to radiobutton group label. Check the example below:

<div data-template="" data-test-id="Gender" role="radiogroup" aria-label="Gender" radvalue="" data-ctl="RadioGroup" class="radioTable"><div>
<span class="col-3">
<input id="eccdbbaeMale" type="radio" name="$PpyWorkPage$pGender" aria-describedby="$PpyWorkPage$pGenderError" value="Male" class="Radio rb_ " style="vertical-align:middle;" aria-invalid="false">
<label title="" for="eccdbbaeMale" class="rb_ rb_standard radioLabel">Male</label>
<span class="col-3">
<input id="eccdbbaeFemale" type="radio" name="$PpyWorkPage$pGender" aria-describedby="$PpyWorkPage$pGenderError" value="Female" class="Radio rb_ " style="vertical-align:middle;" aria-invalid="false">
<label title="" for="eccdbbaeFemale" class="rb_ rb_standard radioLabel">Female</label>

As a result, possible options are:

await pega.radioButtonGroupByAriaLabel('Gender').shouldNotBeChecked('Male');
await pega.radioButtonByPartialId('eccdbbae').shouldBeVisible('Female');
await pega.radioButtonByPartialId('eccdbbae').click('Male');

We do not provide an option to select a radiobutton by css or xpath because we need to be very precise with the selectors in order to be able to find a given option to check/uncheck. If there is a need to define a radiobutton group via xpath or css use a custom element elementByXpath or elementByCss

Main action functions


For radiobuttons, main actions work slightly different depending on selection type. Elements selected by partial id are based on the inner text; radiobuttons selected by data-test-id or aria-label are based on value attribute.

NameParameter(s)TypeSelection typeDescription
clickvaluestringby partial idSelects a radiobutton element by inner text (same as select)
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, retries?: number, interval?: number }
clickvaluestringby aria-label or data-test-idSelects a radiobutton by value of the value attribute (same as select)
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, retries?: number, interval?: number }
selectvaluestringby partial idSelects a radiobutton element by inner text (same as click)
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, retries?: number, interval?: number }
selectvaluestringby aria-label or data-test-idSelects a radiobutton element by value of the value attribute (same as click)
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, retries?: number, interval?: number }


Specific assertions

shouldBeCheckedvaluestringVerifies if the checkbox element has a checked attribute
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, retries?: number, interval?: number }
shouldBeUnCheckedvaluestringVerifies if the checkbox element does not have a checked attribute
options?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, retries?: number, interval?: number }

Common assertions

shouldBeVisibleoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element exists and is visible
shouldExistoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element exists
shouldNotBeVisibleoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element exists but is not visible
shouldNotExistoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element does not exist
shouldBeEnabledoptions?{ index?: number, timeout?: number, assertionTimeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Checks if the element doesn't have a disabled attribute

Wait for functions

waitUntilVisibilityoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Waits for the element to be visible
waitUntilInvisibilityoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Waits for the element to be invisible
waitUntilElementExistsoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Waits for the element to exist
waitUntilElementNotExistoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Waits for the element not to exist

Actionability check

ActionabilityCheckTypes == attached | stable | visible | enabled | editable

waitForSelectActionabilityCheckcheck types[]Waits for the element to pass all the selected actionability check types
isFilterByVisibilityboolean (true by default)


await pega.radiobutton('24972094628502592').waitForSelectActionabilityCheck(['attached', 'visible', 'stable']);

IsVisible and IsExists functions

isVisibleoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }Returns true if the element exists and is visible
isExistsoptions?{ timeout?: number, interval?: number, retries?: number }