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Version: 7.5.5

Available Reporters


Allure is an open-source framework designed to create test execution reports clear to everyone in the team.

Allure is based on standard xUnit results output but adds some supplementary data. Any report is generated in two steps. During test execution (first step), a small library called 'adapter' attached to testing framework saves information about executed tests to XML files.

During report generation (second step) XML files are transformed to HTML report. This can be done with command line tool, plugin for CI or build tool.

Overview page shows overall test execution statistics with a list of test parameters. Right section contains top defects grouped by defect message.


Cucumber report is a JSON generated report that summarize the main steps of your test execution following the cucumber gherkin syntax based on keywords (e.g feature, given, when...). It is centered around the string description that you provide inside your test maker spec file.

"id": "Example-Feature",
"name": "Example Feature",
"description": "",
"keyword": "Feature",
"tags": [],
"uri": "",
"line": 0,
"elements": [
"id": "Example-Feature;Example-Scenario",
"name": "Example Scenario",
"type": "Scenario",
"tags": [],
"keyword": "Scenario",
"line": 0,
"steps": [
"name": "We Visit google search page",
"keyword": "Given",
"arguments": [],
"line": 0,
"match": {
"location": ""
"result": {
"status": "passed",
"duration": 1274,
"error_message": ""
"embeddings": []
"name": "We Search For Query",
"keyword": "When",
"arguments": [],
"line": 0,
"match": {
"location": ""
"result": {
"status": "passed",
"duration": 249,
"error_message": ""
"embeddings": []
"name": "We Get result",
"keyword": "Then",
"arguments": [],
"line": 0,
"match": {
"location": ""
"result": {
"status": "passed",
"duration": 617,
"error_message": ""
"embeddings": []


In the excel report, we can find all the details of this execution: Start Time, End Time, Feature Name, The execution duration, the progress status, the file path. All these details are displayed in an excel report.

Excel Report Example


The Json file contains a lot of details for our execution e.g. (the step name, the file path, number of retries, duration…).


"uid": "cfc61ExAi4-gQNeMpV1nq",

"name": "We open a deposit tab ",

"keyword": "When",

"filePath": "D:/Test-Maker-Certif/src/specs/AC-2-spec.ts",

"meta": {},

"tags": [],

"implemented": true,

"subSteps": [],

"result": {

"retries": 0,

"duration": 4277,

"startTime": 1666861517627,

"endTime": 1666861521904,

"status": "passed",

"runs": [


"id": "RG3wEHTE65r_b6MxtuUI5",

"retries": 0,

"startTime": 1666861517627,

"endTime": 1666861521904,

"duration": 4276.071,

"status": "passed",

"client": {

"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.15 Safari/537.36",

"browser": {

"name": "Chrome",

"version": "101.0.4951.15",

"major": "101"


"engine": {

"name": "Blink",

"version": "101.0.4951.15"


"os": {

"name": "Windows",

"version": "10"


"device": {},

"cpu": {

"architecture": "amd64"


"name": "Chrome",

"type": "web",

"version": "101.0.4951.15",

"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.15 Safari/537.36",

"prettyUserAgent": "Chrome 101.0.4951.15 / Windows 10",

"headless": false


"adapter": "playwright",

"errors": [],

"phases": {},

"embeddings": []






In the terminal reporter, you can get all the execution information for each step such as the name of feature, scenario, step, sub step, frame, retries, the adapter used, the clients (e.g., windows10, chrome), is the application is busy, the src file executed, source, the start and end time and the duration for each step.

Terminal Report Example


The text report is similar as the terminal report, all the details related to the execution are summarized in this text file.

Text Report Example