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Version: 7.5.5


This configuration property allows configuring the way your tests will be executed.

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Valueavailability
adaptersobject[][{name: 'playwright',options: {clients: ['chrome'] }}]
backoffobjectObject to define a backoff value used to determine the wait time between successive retries
clientPerFeaturebooleanIf true, a same feature will be run with one web browser client at a time.true
disablePageCachingbooleanIf true, the page caching will be disabled.falseadapter dependent
failureobjectObject defining Test Maker behaviour in case of an error.
headlessbooleanIf true, the web browser client window in which your test is executed will not be visible.false
isAppbusyEvaluatorfunctionA function that can define the readiness state of an application.
keepClientOpenbooleanIf true, the web browser client shall remain opened after the test execution.false
livemodebooleanIf true, after running a test once, the test execution will be launched again, whenever changes are saved in a test feature file involved in the previous test execution.false
nodeVersionstringSpecify the node version that the test must be run with.""
parallelobjectObject defining the options of a test running several threads in parallel.
processobjectObject defining process level options.
proxyobjectDefine the proxy options for your test.
startPagestringDefine the web page by which your test will begin with.""
throttlingobjectObject to define a delay between methods to slow down the test process.
timeoutobjectDefine the timeout of the different Test Maker actions.


Test Maker provides unique multiple Adapters feature. This means that the platform can use multiple Technologies to run tests using the same API. This makes Test Maker a Future Proof platform.

An Adapter is a Framework or Technology that acts as mediator between the code and the Client.

By Default Test Maker ships with Playwright. Playwright is a great Framework that offers many features and comparability with many Browsers.

Basic Usage

Example 1

import { adapters } from "test-maker";
const testMakerLocalConfig: Configuration = {
runner: {
export default testMakerLocalConfig;

Example 2

import { PlaywrightAdapterOptions } from "test-maker";
const testMakerLocalConfig: Configuration = {
runner: {
adapters: [
name: `playwright`,
options: <PlaywrightAdapterOptions>{

default: true,
files: [
clients: [
name: `safari`,
options: {
features: [`Safari client`],
files: [`./src/specs/browser-tests/*-spec.ts`]

export default testMakerLocalConfig;


| Name | Type | Description | Default Value | |---- -------|------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------| | bypass | string[] | | false | | password | string | | true | | server | string | | true | | username | string | | true |


This options allows configuring Test Maker behaviour in case of an error occurring during test execution.

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
failureobjectDefine the the Test Maker behavioural options in case of an error occuring.


This options allows configuring Test Maker behaviour in case of an error occurring inside a feature. It mainly deals with test execution after the error occurrence.

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
exitProcessOnFirstFailbooleanDefines the the Test Maker behavioural options in case of an error occuring for a feature.false
skipRemainingScenariosOnScenarioFailbooleanIf true, when an error occurs inside a scenario, the feature execution will be terminated and the remaining scenarios skipped.true
skipRemainingStepsOnStepFailbooleanIf true, when an error occurs inside a step, the feature execution will be terminated and the remaining steps will be skipped.true


This option allows stabilization of a test by following criteria that define if an application is ready and stable for the test methods to run.


This option allows to configure how many threads will be used by the available categories.

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
adapternumberDefine the number of adapters that will be run in parallel.1
clientsnumberDefine the number of web clients that will be run in parallel1
featuresnumberDefine the number of features that will be run in parallel1


NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
exitOnUnhandledErrorsbooleanIf true, any rogue operation missing async keyword for example, or none caught errors inside Test Maker pipeline will make Test Maker break the process.false
failureExitMessagestringDefine the message displayed in your terminal report when a failure occured."Test Process Failed"
successExitMessagestringDefine the message displayed in your terminal report when the test execution was a success."Test Process Succeeded"
successThresholdnumberIf the percentage of passed test is superior than the successThreshold number your test process will be labeled a success.0




By setting the global timeout values in this object, your timeout will be applied to the whole project. Those timeout stand as long as not overridden by local timeout.

NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
assertionnumberDefine the global timeout of assertion actions inside your project.12000
featurenumberDefine the global timeout of features inside your project.120000
pageLoadnumberDefine the global timeout of web page loading inside your project.10000
scenarionumberDefine the global timeout of scenarios inside your project.0
stepnumberDefine the global timeout of step inside your project.0